Sunday, February 10, 2008


No...I have not found the "Love of my life" as of yet. I will keep you informed about that...perhaps! What I wanted to blog about today is the love that we should have for our friends.

I have been surprised lately by the love that I have recieved from those of you who have been there to encourage me as I have been going through a tough emotional time. Some of you have never met me. You have, nonetheless, sent me caring thoughts and words that have encouraged me to push through to brighter days. Just thinking of you and what you have done makes me well up with tears from the love that I feel from you. I am indeed grateful to you and hope that you feel that I have been there for you as well.

Well...coming soon is Valentine's Day. A day when lovers exchange presents to express how much they love eachother. I don't have a special person in my life to do that with. That's all right for now. I am content to be a single fella in this big world. I do have a longing to be a friend and to have friends though. I know that will happen at the right time. Until then, I have you cyber friends to exhange cheerful greetings.

May you have a great Valentine's Day with the one that you love. If you don't have anyone, like me, then I hope that you spend it feeling love from your friends...and me too! I hope that you consider me a friend.

Your Nashville Friend,


1 comment:

RambleRedhead said...

I wish the best Mr Thom and I know that soon you will find Mr Right and love him to pieces like I do with Joe.

Always be willing to challenge yourself on your goals and keep thinking about what you will do once you reach them. I still get choked up when Joe will say I love you and really means it.

You are a great guy and truly wish you the best.

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