Friday, February 15, 2008

U.S. President Election

I know that people have very strong feelings about politics. It is clearly evident all around me. People posting bumper stickers, wearing pins, talking about the "glories" of their favorite candidate...yeah...everywhere. It's only going to increase.

I have posted a poll in here to see who folks are favoring for President. Please feel free to vote. Just curious to see who my readers are leaning towards.

I honestly don't know who I am going to vote for. Just when I think one person will get my vote, they pull out of the race, say something that I don't agree with, or they just don't appear to hold the same beliefs in America that I do. Ughs!

The most important thing is to vote. Register yourself and VOTE. I don't want to hear anyone who did not vote complaining about the President. We run this country through our elected politicians. Let's take charge!


Ryan said...

Sooo happy you are back Thom!

Thom Takes On The World said...

Thanks for stopping by my site. I am feeling good...almost back 100%. I just have to take it day by day. It's good to know that there are folks like you out there who care.

Your Nashville Friend,


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