Monday, December 24, 2007


I just want to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

I hope that you will be experiencing lots of love, fun, and joy on this Christmas Day. I know that some of you may not have the chance to be with friends or family on Christmas, however, you are NOT forgotten. I hope that in some way shape or form that you will feel loved and encouragement on this special day.

Thanks to those who shared their plans for Christmas on the comment section of the last posting. My parents are here and we are having a great time. They are such a blessing to me that I don't care if I get anything else but their presence each year during Christmas. They live in New Jersey so I do appreciate the extra effort it takes them to come down to Nashville, Tennessee to spend this week with me.

Hugs to you and your loved ones as we celebrate the Birth of Christ!

Your Nashville Friend,



Anonymous said...

Hope you had a good Christmas! Looking forward to the New year . . .

RambleRedhead said...

Happy Holidays buddy

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