Friday, December 21, 2007

Getting Ready for the Big Day!

Well, I am so very excited to host my parents starting tomorrow evening at my house for Christmas. I look back and remember how special that my parents made each Christmas. They decorated, baked, and sacrificed so much for their boys that now I want to return the favor each year.

As I mentioned, I decorated the outside and inside of my house. I went shopping for the right foods for them. I will be driving them all over Nashville to look at the Christmas lights and decorations as well. I will cook for them as well. Perhaps they will enjoy just spending some time with me. They are the greatest parents.

I hope that you will be ready for the holidays. The best way to be ready is to give...of your time, of your talent, and of your love. All the rest is secondary.

What plans do you have for Christmas? Let me know. Thanks.

Your Nashville Friend,



Walt said...

Going to my mom's on Christmas Eve. Want to have Christmas Day as a quiet peaceful day at home, though that may change. My partner's mother may be coming over. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Both my parents died within eight months of each other back in '95.

Mike's mom will be spending the day with us - this is the second year running that she has done so; for many years I was not welcome at his parents and it was only following the death of his father last year that she became comfortable with meeting me. And Christmas provided an opportunity for the ice to be broken.

This year, more than ever before, I have been thinking back to Christmases past and the warmth & happiness that our family experienced when we were all together at that time. Mine, too, really worked at making it good for us kids although I never fully appreciated it at that period.

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